
More and more people say every day that time is money. Is being a workaholic fashionable nowadays?

As working from home becomes more popular and larger companies adapt to creating comfortable environments for the daily well-being of their employees (promoting time spent at the office as a road for productivity), free time seems to be seen as more of a way of wasting time than a real need for working people.

Spending time outside, watching a movie on Netflix, enjoying a video call with our parents or getting together in a cafe or cinema, these are situations that are being scheduled in our GCalendar but always end up being postponed. Have we entered a time when despite having entertainment (literally) in the palm of our hands we cannot ‘afford to waste time’?.

Is leisure time a “luxury” now?.

The truth is that this ‘work vice’ is something that was once criticized about Asian and Arabian cultures, who were once known for having questionable and unhealthy work habits. Now, it is as if this generation of working people were becoming ‘what they swore to destroy’. However, learning to discern between working hours and free time is essential, regardless of whether you have a family or live alone.

One hour a day of listening to Spotify while enjoying a good tea or a drink without caffeine will help our bodies release toxins that we accumulate with the many hours of stress that build up in our daily routines.


It’s not for nothing that companies are now implementing yoga courses, massage rooms, and social projects, to name a few. The goal is to help in taking care of the mental and spiritual health of employees.

Taking the first step is easy: stop thinking that free time is wasted time, not everything has to revolve around whether something generates more or less income for us.